Apply pulse oximeter to determine oxygen requirement
Chest compressions for HR <60, 3:1 ratio with breaths, 120 events/minute
After 30 seconds of BVM ventilation, consider intubation (PREMATURE=2.5-3.0 ETT; FULL TERM=3.0-3.5 ETT)
Contact medical control
After 30 seconds of chest compressions, consider epinephrine 1:10,000 0.4 ml (0.2 ml preterm newborn) IV or 1:10,000 0.8 ml (0.4 ml preterm newborn) ETT
Repeat epinephrine every 3-5 minutes until HR>60
If significant blood loss at delivery, IV 0.9% NaCl 40 ml (20 ml for preterm newborn)