Spinal Immob Device-Field Removal
- Non-application rules
- Age ≥12
- Normal mental status
- No signs of intoxication
- GCS 15 & A & O x 4
- No acute stress reaction
- No distracting injuries
- No communication barriers (deafness, language, etc.)
- No neurological deficit
- No mid-line spine pain/tenderness on palpation of spinous processes
- Obtain glucose reading via glucometer
- Administer high concentration oxygen, and be prepared to assist ventilations if necessary
- Assess patient with Cincinnati Stroke Scale
- Facial droop (big smile)
- Pronator drift (extend arms, palms up, eyes closed: one arm drift = positive; both = unclear)
- Speech (“The sky is blue in Cincinnati”)
- Assess and record the exact time the patient was last known to be normal
- Encourage a family member to be transported with patient
- Keep patient warm; maintain normal body temperature
- Protect any paralyzed or partially paralyzed extremity
- Obtain a 12-lead EKG
- Pre-notify destination Emergency Department as early as possible
- Consider transport to JCAHO-approved stroke center if onset of symptoms to definitive treatment can be within 3 hours (generally within two hours of symptoms to arrival at facility)
- Transport to closest hospital if: a) cardiac arrest; b) unmanageable airway; or c) other medical condition that warrants transport to the closest hospital per protocol
- Per local protocol, initiate fibrinolytic screening and document findings on Stroke checklist
Updated to 2017 KBEMS Protocol